The next generation of Dogstars
We developed an interactive Children’s Education Programme covering everything from an animal’s basic needs to respect, positive handling and bite prevention.
How we engage with the people (and pups) in our local communities.
People are at the heart of any movement to improve the lives and well-being of animals. By engaging with the communities we serve, we can start to redefine concepts of animal ownership and responsibility in Sri Lanka.
We developed an interactive Children’s Education Programme covering everything from an animal’s basic needs to respect, positive handling and bite prevention.
We’ve created a series of information leaflets that provide an overview of animal welfare, including specific examples and positive changes dog and cat guardians can implement. We hand these out to everyone who brings an animal to our spay/neuter clinics (and village-wide during outreach clinics).
Following surgery, we phone each owner to check on their animal’s recovery. We also have a special spay/neuter helpline that owners can contact if they have questions, concerns or require further support.
Working with local communities to transform animal welfare means engaging with the animals within them. We meet and interact with animals on a daily basis through our feeding and sterilisation programmes, and with your support, we are creating a brighter future for Sri Lanka’s street dogs and cats.
Parasites like worms, ticks and mites can cause unimaginable suffering for a street pup – but this doesn’t have to be a dog’s life! Luckily, these conditions are very treatable, and in some cases, preventable. Most street animals find confinement stressful, so we will always treat on the street where possible using on the spot remedies.
Diseases like rabies and distemper are endemic here in Sri Lanka, but they are 100% preventable with a simple vaccine. Every animal we sterilise is vaccinated against rabies at the time of their operation. We also do regular vaccine drives to ensure the dogs you love are up to date with their vaccinations and protected against deadly disease.
We conduct regular spay/neuter, vaccine and welfare surveys to ensure your love and support is going where it’s needed most. Every dog and cat we sterilise is also microchipped at the time of their operation so that we can do health and well-being checks following their surgery.
For a street dog, every meal delivered, every treatment given and every sterilisation performed is a powerful act of love.
Donate today and join our pawsome community of animal lovers (and create lots of woofs and wags!)