A Dogstar member of staff bending down to stroke and feed two dogs on the street.

Prejudice Undermines Animal Welfare

There is no place for racism in animal welfare. Sam, our founder and CEO, explains that prejudice and racism are some of our biggest enemies when it comes to the work we do.

Over the years, I have read blatant racist comments. Comments like, “All Sri Lankans are evil”, “Sri Lanka is the cruellest place in the world”, “All Sri Lankans are wicked to animals” and “Sri Lankans don’t deserve support”. These comments are inequitable, offensive and prejudiced.

While it is true that some Sri Lankans are guilty of neglect or cruelty towards animals, or being profit-driven backyard-breeders, only the most bigoted of minds could think all Sri Lankans or indeed all the citizens of any one country, could think or feel one way. This kind of thinking is very dangerous, as history has proven again and again.

Dogstar’s entire veterinary and field team are Sri Lankan. Every single one of them! Their incredible commitment to animal welfare was recognised when Dogstar won an international animal welfare award in 2017. It saddens my soul when I read mass generalisations that say all Sri Lankans are cruel to dogs, scared of dogs, view them as vermin etc. Of course, it will be true that some Sri Lankans hold these views, but it’s not true of everyone, no more than it’s true in the UK where I am from or any other country in the world.

Animal abuse, cruelty and poor animal welfare do not fit neatly into geographical boundaries. In every country, animals suffer, sometimes companion animals and more often than not, livestock animals.

I am not naive to the issues here. I left my friends, family and a highly paid, successful career in the UK to move to Sri Lanka in 2013. My job is tough. Unbelievably tough. Daily, I face issues and problems that I never thought I could cope with. Constantly, I worry about funding all the programmes we run, paying our staff wages, importing supplies and one-thousand-and-one other issues.

My inbox is groaning with urgent pleas for help. I certainly don’t need to read offensive, racist remarks about my co-workers who are working hands-on to help animals day in and day out. They do things that most xenophobic keyboard-warriors could never do in a million years. It’s hurtful to me and it’s even more hurtful to them. Such prejudice undermines animal welfare and the entire non-profit sector.

I also want to highlight that Sri Lanka has many local animal welfare organisations, founded by and run by Sri Lankans. There are groups running adoption programmes, campaigning for improved animal welfare legislation and conducting rescues every single day of the year.

I am proud of the ever-growing animal welfare movement here, which is locally led and run. Dogstar works with and supports many groups, both locally and internationally. We are all working for the same cause.


Reflect on the power of your words.

So, to those people who think all people from a different country, cultural background or religion are evil, I say this: Please reflect on the power of your words and use them wisely to make the difference you want to see in the world, rather than be a voice of hatred or abuse. Channel your anger into something constructive. Be part of the solution. Every single animal welfare worker and volunteer here (and globally) needs and wants support.

Prejudice not only undermines animal welfare, it is the reason we have so much injustice in our world today. The fear of differences is something we must all overcome.

I am proud of all our staff. They are my co-workers and in many cases, they are my friends. And they are a force of good. The world needs good people to stand up and be counted, and they do that every single day.