Dog eating from a bowl of food on the street looking into he camera exhibiting whale eye.

Spotting Signs of Stress in Your Dog

Many dog owners know that a relaxed, wagging tail is a sign of a happy pup, while ears that appear pinned back could signify anxiety. But what are some of the lesser known behaviours to look out for?

There’s no denying that scientific studies have been extremely valuable in helping us interpret our dogs’ actions and behaviours. And our innate instincts as owners also help to guide us on the right path when it comes to caring for our dogs. But sometimes, we can become so accustomed to their ways that we don’t always pick up on slight changes to their behaviour. While it is true that every dog is unique (and we love them for it!), there are certain subtle but distinct signs that your dog might be feeling stressed.

Illustration of dog yawning



One of the most difficult things about trying to gauge your dog’s mood is that certain behaviours can be easily misinterpreted. Logic would say that a yawn from your pup indicates they’re simply in need of a little pick-me-up snooze, but this isn’t always the case. Yawning can actually be a sign of stress, anxiety or fear.

Although yawning is a natural reflex and usually no cause for alarm, it’s good practice to analyse your dog’s surroundings to check if there’s anything that could be worrying them. Or perhaps think if there’s been a change to their routine that might be throwing them off. For example, if your dog has had less exercise that day, a simple walk may be just the ticket to calm them down.


Illustration of dog licking their lips.


Again, you may assume that your pup is licking their lips to clean their chops after (or in preparation for) a hearty meal. But, if food is nowhere in sight, this could be an indication that they’re under stress.

Lip-licking is something we often see when feeding the dogs in Sri Lanka your lovely meals, and it’s something we’ve learnt to become very wary of. If a dog is leaning away whilst licking their lips, we know to be cautious and give them their space. Lip-licking could be an effort made by your pup to ward off aggression, so it’s important to assess their environment for threats that could be making them feel uncomfortable.


Whale eye Illustration of dog with whale eye.

Though a dog’s eyes can tell you a lot about how they’re feeling, something you may not know to look out for is whale eye. This is when the whites of a dog’s eyes become visible and it’s very commonly a sign of stress, anxiety or discomfort. Hard staring and a wrinkled brow are also telltale signs that your dog is on edge. Again, these are things we have come across when out on feeding rounds, so we always make an effort to keep our distance from these dogs and feed them away from other animals if necessary.

The root cause of your dog’s unhappiness might be immediately obvious, and this should be rectified straight away so your dog can resume a relaxed state. Or if not, try and comfort or give your dog space to calm them down.


An extra note

These are just a few common signs of a stressed out pup, but there are many other behaviours a dog might adopt to demonstrate their anxiety. It’s also important to note that every dog is totally unique and communicates differently. So a certain level of judgement must be used when analysing their body language.

If you are at all concerned about your dog’s behaviour, we would advise consulting a vet to check out any possible medical issues. Your vet can then refer you to a dog behaviourist if necessary.

Dog illustrations by Emma Judson